Winter is fast approaching and one of the best things you can do to ensure a warm and safe season is to prepare your roof for the winter ahead. You can take several steps to ensure your roof is in top shape to keep your home dry and warm, and to prevent any damage from the elements.
Steps to Ensure Your Roof is in Top Shape
Check and Clean Your Gutters
Gutters and downspouts allow rain and snow to drain away from your home and prevent your home from exposure to leaks. Check for buildup of debris, cracks, holes, or any loose gutters.
Remove Leaves, Branches and Plants
In stormy weather, branches can pose a big risk to your roof and cause significant damage. Making sure that your roof is free from any branches, leaves, or growing plants ensures that the roof will drain well and prevents damage from any sharp branches.
Check For Damage To Shingles
Make sure to check on the condition of the shingles on our roofs before that first snowfall hits. Cracks in shingles can impact indoor temperature, as well as contributing to water leakage and damage to internal structures.
Check For Wildlife and Nests
Birds sometimes choose gutters as a spot to build their nests in the spring, leaving the nest behind and causing traffic jams once the snowfall begins. If there are any active nests or other live creatures living in your gutters or roof you can always contact a specialized wildlife removal service to remove the animals.
Ensure Proper Attic Ventilation
Proper ventilation in your attic prevents moisture buildup and mold/mildew accumulation. Additionally, good ventilation helps to prevent the buildup of ice dams (a major cause of water damage) on your roof.
Be Smart With Decorations
Hang your Christmas lights in the fall after you have completed your roof inspection to ensure that you have a safe experience and prevent any injuries. Remember that heavy or sharp objects can cause damage to your roof as well, so stick to decorations like string lights that are light and easy to install and remove.
Preparing your roof for the winter today will help prevent any costly and inconvenient issues once winter arrives. These tips for preparing your roof for winter will ensure that any issues can be dealt with before the first snowfall, keeping you and your family safe, dry, and warm in the colder months ahead.